The Goddess Ignited Program

An 8-week journey of self-discovery


Week 1: Connection & Creation

Your journey begins by learning how to create new structures to deepen your relationship with yourSelf and with the Divine Feminine.

Week 2: Forgiveness & Healing

In this week, we dive deep into the past, exploring the relationship you have with your body and healing old wounds. Discover and Create your new, Authentic Relationship with yourSelf.


Week 3: Gratitude, Abundance & Oneness

Explore the Energy of Gratitude and what it can make available in your life. Realize the Abundance that is painted all over your life. You are One with Everything, a part of the whole.

Week 4: Relationships & Communication

As we investigate the relationships in your life, you’ll discover a new realm of relating to people newly and creating the relationships of your dreams.


Week 5: Being of Service

Exploring the world of what it truly means to Be of Service, you will begin to see yourSelf in Others.

Week 6: Self-Care, Indulgence & Pleasure

You are a Fucking Queen. This week is all about indulging in the Sexy, Playful, Decadent Goddess that you are. Enjoy. Indulge. Awaken.


Week 7: Self-Expression & Embodiment (Photoshoot Week!)

This is where it all comes together. All the weeks of work you’ve put into yourSelf arise as you embody your true Goddess Essence in one Divine, Gorgeous photoshoot experience.

Week 8: Celebration & Completion

Be blown away by the Woman you see. Discover her, Celebrate her, Acknowledge her and Honor her. This is now yours forever.


Goddess Embodiment